Resolve back, neck and shoulder pain
Normally thoses back, neck and shoulder pain is the natural of the result of prolonged sitting at work behind a computer, as is bad posture. Well this may cause your headaches and excessive tension in neck, shoulders, arms, forearms, wrists, back, hips, thighs and legs. most of the result is increased fatigue to the muscles and ligaments supporting the lower back and this can eventually lead to tissue injury and spinal joint dysfunction. To solve these problems by posture correction, exercise and correct use of equipment. Those symptoms of back problems due to excessive computer use include:
* To the back and neck muscle spasm and pain
* To the back and neck soft tissue inflammation
* To the back, neck and shoulder pain on movement and involvement of other muscles as a reaction
* To referred the pain to buttocks and thighs or up the spine, it preventing back and neck pain while sitting is not an exact science as there are many differing opinions on the subject. Besides that, there are some common denominators on which most chiropractors and other medical professionals agree.
Most of thoses Massage Therapy help to Relieve Back and Neck Pain
If done correctly, mostly of those massage therapy can help to relieve back pain and tension. So it is best way to find a therapist trained in techniques that address back pain issues and has a knowledge of muscle imbalances relating to back pain, such as sports injuries. Well massage therapy should never be considered a substitute for proper medical attention where there are serious back problems.
Secret of solving Neck and Shoulder Pain1)Don’t lie in bed and work on a laptop.2) Don’t work for hours in front of a computer
3) Don’t always ignore back twinges and back pain, and resolve
itself.4) To avoid taking pain when in pain from using a computer. This
will serve to mask the symptoms but can lead to serious injury .
5) Don’t sit on one leg crossed as this causes additional strain
to the back.6)Do not perch a laptop on the lap and stare down at the
7) To buy a chair that encourages you to use your back muscles,
such as a stool chair with no back or arm rests. To lower back pain can
be reduced or eliminated by strengthening the lower back muscles through
active sitting exercises.8) To buy an ergonomic keyboard and mouse and
ensure that the height is adjusted appropriately.
Tim Bodycare
No.2 floor, 1, Seksyen 8-1E, 46050 Petaling Jaya
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atau hubungi kami melalui 0379606800 untuk perkhidmatan dan 03-7960 0018 / 019-3323038 untuk latihan.
Tim Bodycare ( ialah sebuah urut sekolah yang terkenal menawarkan pengajaran yang mempunyai standard antarabangsa ISO 9000 di Malaysia dan memberikan perkhidmatan lengkap dalam bidang urut dan spa. Tim Bodycare juga ialah sebuah Pelatihan urut sekolah yang paling terkemuka dengan Sijil Kursus di antarabangsa.
No.2 floor, 1, Seksyen 8-1E, 46050 Petaling Jaya
Kunjungi website kami di
atau hubungi kami melalui 0379606800 untuk perkhidmatan dan 03-7960 0018 / 019-3323038 untuk latihan.
Tim Bodycare ( ialah sebuah urut sekolah yang terkenal menawarkan pengajaran yang mempunyai standard antarabangsa ISO 9000 di Malaysia dan memberikan perkhidmatan lengkap dalam bidang urut dan spa. Tim Bodycare juga ialah sebuah Pelatihan urut sekolah yang paling terkemuka dengan Sijil Kursus di antarabangsa.